Fleething Moments / Prchave okamziky

September 02, 2008

...emotional diarrhoea to be continued

Late summer night and the air was filled with questionmarks. They were hanging above us just like mellow pears but no one wanted to ask. Why ruining it. Not knowing is sometimes much more magical then floathing questions and desperate need to answer them originally. Not knowing means fully swimming in our own pool of fantasy. Reality is far far away.

He smells nice. Quiet. Confused.

I don’t know If I smell nice…If I should be quiet….even If I ever see him again but I know I am not confused….enjoying fully the fleething moment of strong desire to share sweet cherry nothing. I don’ t know him. He doesn’ t know me. And that’s the exciting part. I have the need to cuddle and breath. Staying still. He’ s playing with my hair. I am thinking we are both crazy. I want to touch him but it is way tu surreal. Closing my eyes and just coexisting. I know when I open them, he will be gone.

Tied together with polite sentences, afraid we might scare each other off. Its comic yet not funny. Its intimate yet so strange. In these days of rush arrogant impression making statements are these fleetment moments so fragile, exclusive yet so simple.

Sweet cherry nothing.

We need them, they giving us energy. Magic of something unexpectedly exciting without possibility of repeating. You cannot catch it, explain it or repeat it. It is one of a kind moment.

Fleething moments, which filling our black and white colour book of life with rainbow colours. And for that special moment we are willing to switch our sour everything for sweet cherry nothing…..and nothing more.


....emocionalni prujem z cervene knihovny

Byl vlahy letni vecer a ve vzduchu vyseli otazniky. Houpaly se nam nad hlavami jako prezrale hrusky, ale otazku nepolozil ani jeden. Proc to kazit. Vzdyt nevedet je nekdy kouzelnejsi nez zaplava otazek a pokusu na ne poutave odpovidat. Nevedet znamena naplno si vychutnavat svuj vlastni vyfantazirovany svet. Realita je tak vzdalena.

Voni. Mlci. Tape.

Nevim jestli vonim ja…..nevim jestli mam mlcet…..nevim jestli ho jeste nekdy uvidim, ale netapu…..uzivam si prchave okamziky momentalni touhy jen tak sdilet sladke nic.

Neznam ho. On nezna me. V tom je to kouzlo. Mam chut se pritulit a dychat. Jen tak. Hladi me po vlasech. Rikam si, ze jsme oba blazni. Chci se ho dotknout, ale neodvazim se. Zaviram oci a jen tak koexistuju. Vim, ze az je otevru uz tu nebude.

Sevreni v kazajkach otrepanych frazi pro ten pocit slusnosti a strachu, aby se ten druhy nahodou nevydesil. Je to komicke ale vubec ne k smichu. Je to intimni a zaroven tak cizi. V dnesni uspechane dobe plne arogantnich poz a protrelych frazi, kdy chceme vsechny ohromovat a uchvacovat, jsou prchave okamziky tak exkluzivni a zaroven ve sve podstate tak proste.

Sladke nic.

Potrebujeme je, nabijeji nas. Kouzlo neceho, co je necekane neopakovatelne. Neda se to zachytit, neda se to vysvetlit a neda se to zopakovat.

Prchave okamziky ktere vybarvuji cernobilou omalovanku nasich zivotu duhovymi barvami. A pro ten momentlani pocit jsme schopni vzdat se vseho horkeho pro sladke nic….a nic vic.

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